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Lektor Ole Lauridsen fra Center for Undervisning og Læring vil holde et spændende og lærerigt foredrag om ”Hjernen og læring”:
Ingen er i tvivl om,…
SpeakerSimon Wall, ICFO Barcelona
TitlePhase transitions in quantum materials
AbstractQuantum materials exhibit some of the most…
Droplets are very common in nature, from liquid water to superfluid Helium and nuclear matter. In this talk I will discuss two examples of…
Invitation, registration link and registration fees to follow.
The Scientists Qua Scientist Makes No Assertion
by Haixin Dang and Liam Kofi Bright
Supervisor: Alberto Imparato
How likely is it that a small system, such as a biological motor, runs in reverse? How does macroscopic irreversibility…
Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff
Fænomener på Solen har stor betydning for vores liv her på Jorden. Solen er i stand til at ændre vores hverdag…
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