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Supervisor: Rasmus Handberg
Asteroseismologi. Du har måske hørt ordet blive nævnt i undervisningen, uden du nogensinde fik en forklaring på, hvad…
Vejleder: Steen Hannestad
Med sin generelle relativitetsteori lagde Albert Einstein fundamentet for den kvantitative beskrivelse af Universet, som…
Supervisor: Frank Grundahl
The Sun is necessary for mostly all life on Earth. As such, it is crucial that we understand its structure and evolution.…
Medical Modernity across Peripheries: Eastern Europe, Global Health and the Cold War
Supervisor: Søren Ulstrup
The Nobel prize in physics in 2018 was awarded to Donna Strickland and Gérard Mourou “for their method of generating…
Towards an Aesthetics of Experiments
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