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Title: A radio-frequency ion trap for molecular physics at ASTRID2 – how does trapping actually work?
Speaker: Annette Svendsen, IFA
Recent experimets with single-site resolution and addressing of strongly correlated bosonic atoms in optical lattices have resulted in the direct…
Speaker: Erik Høg, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University
Title: Hipparcos - Roemer – Gaia
ABSTRACT: During the Hipparcos space astrometry…
Science and Political Authority in the Polar Regions in the Cold War – and Beyond
Peder Roberts, Division of History of Science, Technology and…
DESIREE a new electrostatic double ion-storage ring
At Stockholm University a double electrostatic ion-storage ring, DESIREE has been constructed and…
Speaker: Pinja Haikka, Turku University, Finland
Title: Non-Markovian quantum probes
Time: Thursday, February 21, 2013
Place: 1525-323
Title: Quantum Key Distribution with Silica Chip. Supervisor: Martin Kristensen. External examinator: Jens Lykke Sørensen
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