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Heather J. Lewandowski
University of Colorado, Boulder, 80309, USA
University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Join the 2019 award ceremony and celebrate the conferral of the Aarhus University Research Foundation PhD Award on Alexander Holm Kiilerich, PhD
In a collaboration with the Royal Danish Theatre a ballet inspired by quantum mechanics has been composed.
This year in May we are celebrating 100 years of the eclipse expeditions that for the first time confirmed the light bending in the gravitational…
Oleksandr Marchukov, Tel Aviv University
Quantum fluctuations and uncertainty relations in NLS solitons and breathers
To quantify quantum optical coherence requires both the particle- and wave-natures of light. For an ideal laser beam, it can be thought of…
Fundamental insights into the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction on Cobalt: taking the surface science approach
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