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Join us for a talk titled: Two laser-excited-material presentations and discussions
PS! invites you to the annual Christmas party
Supervisor: Allan H. Sørensen
I 1905 udgav Einstein en epokegørende artikel, som præsenterede, hvad der senere skulle blive kendt som den specielle…
Children, parents, grandparents and childlike souls are invited to the annual Christmas party for kids
Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov
I 1982 gav Richard Feynman en forelæsning på MIT. Har fremlagde han ideen om at udnytte kvantemekaniske mekanismer til at…
Supervisor: Brian Julsgaard
In 1913, the Bohr model was introduced: The first quantized model of the atom. In 1924, de Broglie associated a…
The Trouble with 'Trustworthy AI' (and Why We Need It)
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