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The kickoff event will be a full day with introduction to research within quantum technologies at Aarhus University, networking during poster session,…
Capturing the intangible: Research evidence of public engagement with science and nature through Community and Citizen Science
Racial Amnesia in the Spanish Golden Age: A Case Study in Social Ontology
Join us when Gianmarco Gatti visits us and give a talk titled: Out-of-plane interactions perturbing two-dimensional semiconductors
Beyond NIMBY: a problematic narrative in the green transition
t is our great pleasure to invite everyone interested to the next ORC – this time with a visit from Nobel Prize winner Anne L'Huillier from Lund…
Join PS! on a guidet tour (both Danish and English) from IFA to Street Food.
The conference will provide a platform from which to examine publication practices from a number of disciplinary perspectives, including historical,…
Kom med til en tankevækkende aften, hvor vi sætter fokus på nye (kvante)teknologier, cyborgs, sociale og fysiske teorier, samt hvordan vi skal…
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