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Supervisor: Steen Hannestad
Vi kender alle situationen om skvulpende kaffe. Hvem har ikke prøvet at skulle fragte en glohed, topfyldt kaffekop fra A…
Communicating medicine to the first generation of Italians: Medicine, politics and popularisation in the work of Paolo Mantegazza
Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Kinetic orbital bombardment is an idea developed in the cold war. The idea is simple: drop a telephone-size…
Supervisor: Klaus Mølmer
Enhver fysiker er velbekendt med differentialregning. I vores arbejde afleder vi funktioner måske én, to eller tre gange.…
Supervisor: Nikolaj Thomas Zinner
Unlike its classical counterpart, the quantum vacuum is far from empty. For quantum fields, fluctuations are always…
Supervisor: Per Rugaard Poulsen
Billeddannelse ved magnetisk resonans (MRI) er et vigtigt og livreddende værktøj i lægevidenskaben til…
Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov
You might have been introduced to quantum field theory or classical field theory. In that context you might have asked…
In this colloquium, the focus will be on a very real application of quantum physics in the real world: Quantum…
Supervisor: Samuel Schindler
Findes der egentlig et kollaps af en bølgefunktion? Ifølge ideen om dette vil en måling af et kvantesystem forårsage et…
Supervisor: Søren Pape
What if antiparticles could be used to fight cancer? Would we not see a benefit from the extra energy released through…
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