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Speaker: Suzanne van Dam, TU Delft.
Titel: Nuclear spins for quantum contextuality tests and multiplexed quantum network protocols
Supervisor: Frank Grundahl
Within the realm of fiction, the Death Star is perhaps one of the most iconic megastructures. A space station the size of…
Title: The Making of a Celebrity Scientist: Stephen Hawking's Life in Physics and in Public. Supervisor: Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen. External…
Communicating science to Portuguese young people at the turn of the twentieth century
The goal is to give the general public an impression of the entire spectrum of fascinating research which contributes to Aarhus University’s…
Oday Darwich
Title: CERN's quantum initiative, a vision for blockchain for Open Innovation, and Education for SDGs
Emerging Future…
Process reductionism – reverse engineering a process ontology for biology
Supervisor: Ole Eggers Bjælde
Sorte huller er et af de mest ekstreme fænomener, vi kender til. Det er supermassive kompakte objekter, der formår at…
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