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In this talk observations of vortices in supefluid helium droplet having diameter of 100-1000 nm will be discussed. The talk will start with short…
Sign up no later than 17 March.
Registration deadline: 15 March 2013
Speaker: Travis Metcalfe, Space Science Institute, Boulder, USA
Title: Magnetic Activity Cycles and the Solar-Stellar Connection
in the new facilities in the iNANO house
SONG og spektroskopi
Mia Lundkvist
Vejleder: Frank Grundahl
Torsdag den 14. marts kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Stellar Observations Network Group…
Speaker: Günter Houdek, Stellar Astrophysics Centre, Aarhus University
Title: Main-sequence stars: mode physics and seismic diagnostics
Speaker: Margarida Cunha, Centro de Astrof?sica and Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Title: Modern ways to test old…
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