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Speaker: Dr Yanbin Wang, GSECARS, Argonne National Laboratory, University of ChicagoLabquakes - nanoseismology and micromechanics of deep earthquakes …
Recent astronomical…
Maja Juhl Lassen, Studievejleder i Fysik og Astronomi, holder et orienterende oplæg omkring Bachelorprojekt og Udlandsophold
Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff
Klimaet på Jorden er styret af et komplekst samspil mellem forskellige mekanismer som solen, vulkaner, isdække,…
Yong P. Chen, Purdue University
Topological and two-dimensional materials: new playground for physics…
Supervisor: Brian Julsgaard
It is of growing relevance to realize innovative photovoltaic systems that integrate into existing and newly…
Dear All,
We would like to invite you all to the first Geospace workshop, which will take place at the Geology Auditorium on 4 October from 9am to…
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