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Anu Kankainen
University of Jyväskylä
Mass measurements for nuclear astrophysics at IGISOL
Carl R. Brune
Ohio University, USA
4He+12C fusion in Massive Stars Abstract
The 12C(alpha,gamma)16O reaction,…
The epistemology of climate models
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We need more referees for the yearly childrens' science competition named First LEGO League.
You donate: one Tuesday evening…
Supervisor: Bjørk Hammer
7. November 2016 at 15:15Physics Auditorium
What is a video game and what does it…
Vejleder: Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen
7/11-2016 kl.14:15Fysisk…
Taler: Martin O.W. Greiner, Professor, System Engineering, Aarhus University, Department of Engineering
Titel: Large-scale renewable energy networks…
Title: Electronic Structure of the Si/Be(0001) Surface. Supervisor: Philip Hofmann. External examiner: Lars Diekhöner.
Jeg holder orientering om bachelorprojekt afholdes i morgen, torsdag d. 3/11 kl 17:00 i Fysisk Auditorium (1523-318). Her vil i også blive informeret…
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