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We celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Department for the History of the Exact Sciences (now Centre for Science Studies)
Vejleder: Søren Vrønning Hoffmann
Torsdag den 19. november kl. 08.15Fysisk Auditorium
Speaker: Dr. Natasha G. Holmes, Stanford University
Re-thinking intro physics labs: Teaching and assessing…
Title: Dynamics of Strongly Interacting Trapped Few-Body Systems in One Dimension. Supervisor: Nikolaj Thomas Zinner. External examiner: Per Hedegård
Title: Molecular Dynamical simulations of Coulomb Crystals consisting of two ion species, focused on experimental studies of highly charged ions and…
Vejleder: Hans Otto Uldall Fynbo
Tirsdag den 17. november kl. 17.15Fysisk Auditorium
Vejleder: Alberto Imparato
Tirsdag den 17. november kl. 16.15
Fysisk Auditorium
I fysikstudiet arbejder vi meget med…
Speaker: Felix Motzoi, University of California, Berkeley and Saarland University, Germany.
Titel: Optimized remote entanglement and…
Vejleder: Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Mandag den 16. november kl. 9.15Fysisk Auditorium
De fleste har set…
Title: Why Physics Is Still a Boys’ Club
Speaker: Meg Urry
Some 40 years after gender discrimination…
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