Aarhus University Seal

AMO Seminar - Annette Svendsen: 'A radio-frequency ion trap for molecular physics at ASTRID2 – how does trapping actually work?'

Info about event


Thursday 28 February 2013,  at 15:15 - 16:00


Fys. Aud.

Title: A radio-frequency ion trap for molecular physics at ASTRID2 – how does trapping actually work?

Speaker: Annette Svendsen, IFA


At ASTRID2, a new photon beam line and end station will be built with the purpose of studying photophysics of molecular ions in the XUV spectral range. The planned end station comprises an electrostatic storage ring and a radio-frequency (RF) ion trap, and this talk will present the first experimental results obtained with the trap characterizing its properties. The injection of fast ions into this trap reveals that during ion loading the trap operates like an RF accelerator, and the talk will demonstrate how the observed trapping dynamics can be described within a simple analytical model inspired by theory normally applied to RF accelerators.

Coffee/tea and cake will be served from 15:05