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Women in Physics meeting at the Royal Danish Academy of Science in Copenhagen

Info about event


Wednesday 22 November 2017,  at 10:30 - 17:00

Women in Physics (KiF) are inviting you to attend the KiF annual meeting on November 22nd 2017 at the Royal Danish Academy of Science in Copenhagen. 

This year, KiF is showing its new colours. We women in physics need to be more active, take charge and responsibility of our careers and be more visible. Therefore the focus point of this years annual meeting will be career development, perspectives and strategies and the visibility of female researcher and their research. 

Everybody is welcome! 

You can SIGN UP and find more information here: http://kvinderifysik.dk/news/annual%20meeting.html


Time: November 22nd, 2017 from 10:30 to 17:00 

Location: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences & Letters, H.C. Andersen Boulevard 35, 1553 Copenhagen V.