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Vejleder: Steffen Ringgaard
MRI (kaldet NMR i forbindelse med fysik og kemi) fylder mere og mere i både medicinsk…
Title: Properties of Resonantly Interacting Three-Body Systems. Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov og Aksel Jensen. External examiner: Thomas Døssing.
Title: The Lifetime of Er3+ Ions Embedded in TiO2 Near Au Nanostructures. Supervisor: Brian Julsgaard. External examiner: Martijn Wubs.
Speaker: Paul Corkum, Joint Attosecond Science Lab University of Ottawa and National Research Council of Canada
Title: Probing quantum systems from…
Title: Carnegie Supernova Project: Observations of the Superluminous Supernova SN 2015bn. Supervisor: Maximilian Stritzinger. External examiner: Johan…
Title: Characterisation of Downshifting Nanoparticles. Supervisor: Brian Julsgaard. External examiner: Esben Skovsen.
Title: Strong-field Excitation of Dielectric Materials: Investigating the Propagation of a Probe Pulse Through the Excited Material Using Maxwell's…
Title: The Influence of Organ Motion on Model-based Patient Selection for Proton Therapy. Supervisors: Karsten Riisager og Ludvig Muren. External…
Supervisor: Karsten Riisager
Date and time: 5/9/2016 14:15Physical Auditorium
Halo nuclei exist as unstable entities…
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