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The Head of Department, Lars Andersen, will hold a meeting for all staff members
What Does Systems Thinking Add to Mechanistic Explanation?
William Bechtel, Department of Philosophy and Center for Chronobiology, University of…
Title: Imaging molecular dynamics by coincidence measurements with XUV radiation
Speaker: Dr. Arne Senftleben, Max-Planck-Institut für…
Title: Experimental investigations of the desorption kinetics of coronene and superhydrogenated coronene. Supervisor: Liv Hornekær. External…
This paper investigates how antiquarians during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century discussed and tackled the problems of collecting and…
Humboldt was a polymath genius hailed already during his lifetime as "the greatest travelling scientist who ever lived" (Charles Darwin). The…
In August 2014, the world will commemorate the outbreak of the Great War. The occasion will cause many to rethink the causes and consequences of the…
Recent scholarship in Science, Technology and Society studies (STS) pays a greater attention to material objects and material practices. This has…
Undervisere i Teknologihistorie på HTX inviteres hermed til inspirationsdag på Center for Videnskabsstudier, Aarhus Universitet.
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