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Supervisor: Frank Grundahl
Den teknologiske udvikling har naturligt medført flere og flere objekter i omløb om Jorden. Disse objekter holder ikke…
Vejleder: Lars Bojer Madsen
Vi ser asymmetrier hvor end vi bevæger os hen. Nogle oplever livet som højrehåndede andre er venstrehåndede. Men…
Supervisor: Henrik B. Pedersen
Over the past 100 years jumps in figure skating have become increasingly important. In order to gain more points, more…
Supervisor: Marcel Mudrich
At night looking at the green Aurora Borealis, one might wonder how such a phenomenon occurs. It turns out to be caused by…
At the end of March 2023, Søren Pape Møller retires, and Department of Physics and Astronomy invites Søren's colleagues and collaboration partners for…
Supervisor: Martin Greiner
Climate changes forces the world to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy. In Denmark wind energy plays a crucial…
Towards epistemically responsible fact-checking of scientific claims
Title: Molecular modelling of particle formation - towards real atmosphere
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