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News with a view: Questioning the journalistic norm of objectivity
Mads Hansen Baattrup will defend his thesis: "Unraveling Neutron Spectra Using 𝛾-Spectroscopy: A 𝛽-Decay Study of 8-He at IDS"
Anders Kragh Bali will defend his thesis: ”Fagdidaktisk undersøgelse af det numeriske aspekt på bacheloruddannelsen på Fysik: Et case studie af…
Christiane Rahbek will defend her thesis: ”A study of charged particle emission from the beta-decay of 8He”.
IFAs årlige undervisningspris uddeles til Albert Freud Abildgaard for Årets bedste instruktor 2022 og Aurelien Dantan for Årets bedste underviser…
Meaningful democratic and economic impact of citizen science
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