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Steen Brøndsted Nielsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, will defend his doctoral dissertation "Photophysical properties of molecular ions – The…
Supervisor: Frank Grundahl
Konstruktionen af en elevator, som går fra overfladen af jorden og ud i rummet kan lyde som et yderst urealistisk projekt.…
Supervisor: Klaus Mølmer
Hvorfor er kvantecomputere i stand til at udføre visse beregninger mere effektivt end klassiske computere? Hvor klassiske…
Speaker: Jukka Pekkola, Aalto University, Finland.
Title: Quantum heat transport in superconducting circuits
In superconducting quantum…
Questionable research practices: Perceptions, prevalence and potential causes – tentative findings from the PRINT project
Speaker: Morten Hjorth-Jensen, Michigan State University, USA and University of Oslo, Norway
Host: Hans Fynbo
Title: Integrating a Computational…
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