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Karoliina Honkala,
Nanoscience Center, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Unraveling the prominent role of the Rh/ZrO2…
Supervisor: Hans Fynbo
The discovery and utilization of nuclear energy is one of the most outstanding scientific achievements in the 20th century. In…
Title: Characterization of the camera payload on the Delphini-1 satellite. Supervisor: Victoria Antoci. External examiner: Allan Hornstrup.
Supervisor: Brian Julsgaard
In modern medicine the art of radiotherapy has undergone a vast experimental and theoretical progress in a short amount…
We will have an afternoon symposium at the department in celebration of the 75th…
Der vil være forskningsgrupper repræsenteret med en poster, og I kan gå rundt og kigge og stille spørgsmål til dem. I har her mulighed for at få…
Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Hjernen er et komplekst organ, som består af utallige nerveceller, der er forbundet på kryds og tværs.…
CQOM Talk Prof. Mauro Paternostro, Queen’s University Belfast Prof. Mauro Paternostro, Queen’s University Belfast, IrelandTitle: Irreversible entropy…
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