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Have you ever seen the planet Mercury? On Monday 9 May it will transit the Sun from 13:12 to 19:42 DST and you can join us at the Ole…
Title:Step-by-step Optimization of the Production of Ultra Cold Atoms. Supervisor: Jacob Sherson. External examiner: Anders Brusch.
Title: Investigating the Origin of Flares in A-type Stars. Supervisor: Frank Grundahl og Victoria Antoci. External examiner: Anja Cetti Andersen.
Title: Creating an Advanced Model for Transmission Spectroscopy of Exoplanet Atmospheres Evaluated with MCMC Simulations - a Case Study of HD 209458b.…
Vejleder: Jon Merrison
Mandag den 2. maj kl. 15.15Fysisk Auditorium
Tjernobylulykken den 26. april 1986…
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager
Mandag den 2. maj kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
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