Full list of AMS publications 1998-2003 (pdf file 130 KB)
54. Boaretto, E.; C. Bryant, I. Carmi, G. Cook, S. Gulliksen, D. Harkness, J. Heinemeier, J. McClure, E. McGee, P. Naysmith, G. Possnert, M. Scott, H. van der Plicht, M. van Strydonck: How reliable are radiocarbon laboratories? A report on the Fourth International Radiocarbon Inter-comparison (FIRI) (1998 - 2001). Antiquity, 77, (295), 146-154 (2003).
55. Boaretto, E.; I. Carmi, P. Fabbri, J. Heinemeier, S. Sartori, A. Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Y. Yechieli: Radiocarbon in thermal and fresh groundwater in Veneto Region, Northern Italy. Radiocarbon 18th conf, Wellington, abstract (2003).
58. Nørgaard-Pedersen, N.; R.F. Spielhagen, H. Erlenkeuser, P.M. Grootes, J. Heinemeier and J. Knies: The Arctic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum. Atlantic and Polar domains of surface water mass distribution and ice cover. Paleoceanography, 18, 8.1-8.9 (2003).
59. Rasmussen, T.L.; Wastegård, S., Kuijpers, A., van Weering, TCE, Heinemeier, J., Thomsen, E.: Stratigraphy and distribution of tephra layers in marine sediment cores from the Faeroe Islands, North Atlantic. Marine Geology, 199, 263-277 (2003).
61. Shotyk, W.; Goodsite, M.E., Roos-Barraclough, F., Givelet, N., LeRoux, G., Weiss, D., Cheburkin, A.K., Knudsen, K., Heinemeier, J., van der Knaap, W.O., Norton, S.A., C. Lohse, and T.S. Hansen: Accumulation rates and predominant atmospheric sources of natural and anthropogenic Hg and Pb on the Faroe Islands since 5420 14C yr BP recorded by a peat core from a blanket bog. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (accepted 2003).
62. Sveinbjörnsdottir, A.E.; Jan Heinemeier, Gardar Gudmundsson & Gudmundur Olafsson: 14C datings and the settlement of iceland. Radiocarbon 18th conf, Wellington, abstract (2003).
63. Sveinbjörnsdottir, A.E.; Jan Heinemeier, Sigurdur R. Gíslason & hrefna Kristmannsdóttir: Isotopic study of water-magma interaction in a sub-glacial volcanic eruption in iceland. Radiocarbon 18th conf, Wellington, abstract (2003).
64. Fischer, A.; J. Heinemeier: Freshwater Reservoir Effect in 14C Dates of Food Residue on Pottery. Radiocarbon 45 (3), 449-466 (2003).
65. Jørgensen, N.-O.; J. Heinemeier: Origin of saline groundwater in a sandstone aquifer on Bornholm, Denmark. Hydrogeology Journal (submitted), (2003).
66. Jensen, K.G.; A. Kuijpers, N. Koc, J. Heinemeier: Diatom evidence of hydrographic changes and ice conditions in Igaliku Fjord, South Greenland, during the past 1500 years. The Holocene (in press), (2003).
67. Knudsen, K.L.; H. Jiang, E. Jansen, J. Eiríksson, J. Heinemeier, M.-S. Seidenkrantz: Paleoceanographic changes off North Iceland during the deglaciation and the Holocene: foraminifera, diatoms and stable isotopes. Marine Micropaleontology 953, 1-33 (2003).
68. Humlum, O.; B. Elberling, A. Hormes, K. Fjordheim, O.H. Hansen and J. Heinemeier: Late Holocene glacier growth in Svalbard, documented by subglacial find of pre-Medieval vegetation and still alive soil microbes. The Holocene (submitted), (2003).