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From October 15, he starts as professor in theoretical physics
From October 15th, he starts as professor in theoretical professor
Gabi Wenzel is the new postdoc at Center for Interstellar Catalysis (InterCat) headed by Prof. Liv Hornekær
As of 1st October 2020, Anne E. B. Nielsen is employed as Associate Professor of theoretical physics at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy.
Liv Hornekær and Jeffrey Scott Hangst were admitted to the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in 2020.
Kimberly Hsieh starts as postdoc at Institute of Physics and Astronomy in October 2020.
Ida Haugaard Sørensen is employed as a maternity cover for programme coordinator Mette Alstrup Lie.
Amalie Henderson has been employed as a "squid" at IFA
A recent paper in Physical Review Letters presenting IFA's Cyrille Solaro from professor Michael Drewsen's workgroup as lead author, describes an…
The grant will be used for participation in international conferences on exoplanets
Aleksi Julku has joined Georg Bruun's group since August 2020.
Christoffer Karoff has been appointed Associate Professor
New Electronics Technician Apprentice - Tobias Vallenvig Holmene, started on 1st July 2020
Two working groups in Aarhus and Copenhagen have a recent paper in Angewandte Chemie.
New postdoc - Marius Sebastian Frank has started in Nicola Lanata´s group.
New paper in Physical Review X with co-author IFA's Simon Wall
Gargee Gargee Bhattacharyya will join Nicola Lanata's group at September 11. She will work here for one year.
New postdoc, Diptaranjan Das, starts 1 September working in: Quantum Measurement and Manipulation Group, headed by Professor MSO, Jacob Sherson.
MAURIZIO MONTI is a new postdoc i Simon Wall´s group: Ultrafast Dynamics of Quantum Materials.
Raijumon Puthumpally Joseph (Raiju Joseph) joins the strong-field and attosecond physics group lead by Prof. Lars Bojer Madsen in September 2020.
From 1 September 2020 he starts as Professor of experimental physics
Jes Madsen has decided to retire from his position as Vice-Dean on 1st September 2020, as well as from his position as Professor at IFA, also on 1st…
By September 1st 2020 Prof. Hans Fynbo will be employed at IFA as Deputy-department head of teaching.
The dedicated control team has been using a lot of lock-down hours at home to improve the camera settings for Delphini-1
Three of the astronomers are e.g. taking a star-shower on Anholt!
Professor Steen Hannestad has been appointed as a new member of the Free Danish Research Council (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfonds (DFF)) academic…
Anne E. B. Nielsen has received the H.C. Ørsted Selskabet research talent award for her ground-breaking work within electromagnetism and quantum…
Even during the lock-down our students are working hard times communicating with our Aarhus University satellite.
Björn Bastian started as new Postdoc in Marcel Mudrich´s group: Cluster-Dynamics Group on 1st July 2020.
Would you like to come to Berlin from 1 to 7 November 2020?
Sign up for our challenge. We will send two students from Denmark to "Quantum Future…
Recent paper in ACS Nano reveals surprising electronic properties in the new two dimensional semiconductor rhenium diselenid. Søren Ulstrup of IFA is…
Those of you coming and going via the IFA main entrance have had no trouble discovering a fine LEGO model of our storage ring ASTRID2. Even though the…
In a recent paper published in June 2020 researchers at IFA describe the construction of a functioning quantum component consisting of a double layer…
Postdoc Elisabeth Gruber is one of the researchers that were granted special access to IFA during the corona-closedown.
New interdisciplinary project will measure saturation vapor pressure of low volatile substances
Are you doing research related to SARS-CoV-2 therapies or vaccines? We will give you priority access to our facilities at ISA
Danish National Research Foundation centre in Aarhus has a central role in some newly discovered details of the remarkable delta Scuti stars. To be…
For his master's thesis one of our Aarhus University students has developed software for automation and remote control of two new telescopes in…
Simon Wall has been employed as Associate Professor starting from 1 May.
SAC has characterized the atmosphere of an exoplanet using TESS data and in a new paper researchers present their findings.
Article chosen as Editors Suggestion and highlighted in a Viewpoint in Physical Review letters.
Pernille Grøne has been appointed research coordinator from 1 April
Satellite data can help us understand the changes happening on Earth. In a new podcast, Associate Professor Christoffer Karoff talks about the…
Hanne Bak has been employed as research secretary from 1 April
The automated SONG telescope in Tenerife does not require on-site staff to conduct the observations of stars, yet the Corona virus has forced the…
On the 4th of March 2020 the new SONG spectrograph arrived at the Mt. Kent Observatory in Queensland, Australia. The spectrograph was build in the…
Thomas Tram was recently honoured with a Villum Young Investigator grant of DKK 9.5 mio. from the Villum Foundation for the project “Illuminating the…
Article by Jeffrey Hangst et. al., in Nature 19 February 2020
Ragesh Kumar Thelakkadan Puthiyaveettil (Ragesh) joined ion trap group lead by Prof. Michael Drewsen in February 2020.
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