New Research Secretary
Hanne Bak has been employed as research secretary from 1 April

Hanne Bak has been employed as research secretary at IFA from 1 April. She holds a Master of Arts in English and Spanish from BSS. She started her career as secretary at Crisplant and later as a translator in the documentation department. Then she came to Arla Foods as secretary/Travel secretary for a few years, after she worked in HR and International Mobility, almost 14 years in total. In 2014 she started at Dansk Supermarked, now Salling Group as HR Coordinator, where she worked with SAP and HR administration, most recently in HR Support with calls from managers and employees. Hanne can be contacted by email: or tel.: + 45 21665014. When we return at IFA, you will find Hanne in office 1525-524.