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Researchers from Aarhus help understand the finer details in a recent pair of papers in PRL and PRC
Yesterday, Aarhus University and Faculty of Science and Technology celebrated five new VILLUM Investigators at AIAS.
Thomas Pohl participates in the Carlsberg Foundation "Semper Ardens" research projects, working with quantum control of light.
Jeffrey S. Hangst is participating in the Carlsberg Foundation ”Semper Ardens” research projects, working with the ALPHA-3 project at CERN.
Victor Silva Aguirre receives a Carlsberg Foundation Young Researcher Fellowship to continue work on 3D simulations of stellar atmospheres and stellar…
In a research project titled 'In operando nanoscale spectromicroscopy of two-dimensional heterostructures' the properties of stacked single atom…
Emir Karamehmetoglu joined the supernova group led by Maximilian Stritzinger in the fall of 2019.
His primary research interest is observational…
Steen Brøndsted Nielsen has obtained his higher doctoral degree at Aarhus University. His doctoral dissertation investigates the colour of molecules…
Liv Hornekær to lead Center for Interstellar Catalysis
Thomas Pohl to lead Center for Complex Quantum Systems
Ben Lemberger joined Klaus Mølmer's group as a postdoc in the fall of 2019.
Professor Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard co-authors a paper on B-subdwarfs in Nature Astronomy Letters 30. September 2019
Rosana Martinez Turtos has joined the Semiconductor team in the group of Peter Balling from September 2019.
U.S. ARMY RDECOM has granted $ 300 000 for this project to study promising resonance effects between exciton-polaritons
The Villum Experiment Grants seek to reward scientists who question conventional thinking, and thus the idea of exploring the interplay between hot…
The Villum Experiment Grants seek to reward scientists who question conventional thinking, and thus the idea of building up a cosmography of Laniakea…
The Villum Experiment Grants seek to reward scientists who question conventional thinking, and thus the idea of "Simulating strongly correlated…
Fysikshow er en samling af fysik- og nanostuderende, der arbejder på at udbrede glæden ved naturvidenskab og i særdeleshed ved fysik.
Alberto Imparato and Marc Suñé publish paper in Physical Review Letters 13. August 2019
Names are trickling in, but we hope for a skyburst
In Danish only. Sorry.
A well known astrophotographer has visited Tenerife and has donated a couple of very impressive photos of the Danish SONG telescope.
Filip Johan Arnested has been employed at our department from 1st July 2019 for 3½ years as electronics technician apprentice.
Filip has a degree…
Laurits is a trained industrial technician and comes from a position at AVK Holding's machine shop.
Laurits mainly does CNC machining of mechanical…
Supernova (SN) 2019bkc/ATLAS19dqr was recently discovered by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) and located in what appears to…
IFA is working hard on the preparations to take over the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), which is a telescope in La Palma on the Canary Islands. A…
A recent publication in Science reports on the controlled formation of giant molecules.
Phishing email in circulation: Never reveal your password
så kan du også foreslå et navn til Danmarks egen exoplanet og dens stjerne.
The Mars Simulation Laboratory in the dungeons under IFA attracts researcers from all over the Globe and beyond.
From 1st June Mai Korsbæk has been given a permanent position as Administrative Officer at IFA.
You find Marco day and night by ASTRID2
Study of the history of the Milky Way to be strengthened via the appointment 1 April 2019 of a new associate professor.
This year's prestigious award for a young researcher's excellent work in surface physics goes to IFA Post-Doc.
On a highly supportive home turf Martin Hedevang and Kristoffer Kvist ended first among 7 competing teams this Saturday.
In Phys. Rev. Lett. Marcel Mudrich and Mykola Shcherbinin og IFA with an international team describe the elusive formation process of a hydrated…
Cold atom experiments have revealed a novel interaction between pairs of particles that is mediated by a surrounding quantum gas. Georg Bruun…
Professor in nanotechnology and quantum physics Yong P. Chen from Purdue University, Indiana is to establish a significant research program at Aarhus…
It will happen again, and postdoc Stergios Misios has received DKr 1,9 mill from Villum Fonden to look into what will happen if we are hit by another…
Some 580 young scientists under the age of 35 from 88 countries plus about 30 Nobel Laureates will meet this summer in Lindau, Germany for lectures,…
After quite some effort and a lot of sleepless nights (literally, as Delphini-1 passes over Aarhus during the night at the moment) we finally took, at…
The first steps in the process of vision are incredbly fast. A physics group from AU have now solved a decades old riddle of the retinal molecule in a…
One of 20 EliteForsk travel stipends go to Ph.d. from IFA
The recent copy of Aktuel Naturvidenskab brings a paper by IFA and ISA researchers Søren Pape Møller and Heine Dølrath Thomsen on progress, problems…
The first AU satellite gets a prominent exposure in the recent copy.
Mads Fredslund Andersen, Steallar Astrophysics Centre and in charge of the SONG-telescope onTenerife won the competition, and presents one of the…
Sea foam is not only water and salt
Two of the exoplanets orbiting the star Kepler-107 are twins of size but they are by far of the same mass. Astronomers explain this as a result of a…
It is Thomas Pohl and Jeffrey Hangst, who are both to receive one of the prestigious "Semper Ardens" grants.
Thanks to the many that attended at Auditorium E last Thursday. We have not yet heard from the satellite, but we are still optimists.
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