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Two new papers on nonlinear optical phenomena.
Astronomy students at Aarhus University are engaged at the frontlines of research even very early in their studies.
Recent theoretical paper in Physical Review Letters by CCQ’s Esben Rohan Christensen and Georg M. Bruun, and former CCQ assistant professor Arturo…
A recent mapping gives the surprising result that courses on space and the use of space are abundant in Denmark.
Recent paper in Physical Review Letters dives into the LHY energy in quantum simulation experiments.Thomas G. Skov, Magnus G. Skou, Nils B. Jørgensen…
The Danish Student CubeSat Program DISCO reveals mission patch
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The allotted time will be used for two projects, both aiming at revealing the secrets behind supernovae and the building blocks of life.
Paper in Astronomy & Astrophysics is a result of study course and study group.
Phase 1 of a large project of restoring and improving the outreach potential can now commence, due to a donation of DKK 4 million from Aage og Johanne…
USA's National Academy of Sciences has appointed professor at Aarhus Universitet Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard as a member.
From 1st May, Jeppe Langeland starts as postdoc in Steen Brøndsted Nielsen ´s group.
Marcel Mudrich and E. Fasshauer of IFA are co-writers in a recent paper in the web periodical Physical Review X.
Nature of 31. March2021 presents a result from a large group of CERN researches, including several from IFA, that cooling of anti hydrogen with laser…
I Science Stories podcastserien er Liv Hornekær med i et program om stjerner, støv og liv i rummet (på dansk).
The AIAS Associate Fellowship Program, starts at AU on 1st April 2021.
On Sunday 14 March 2021 our Aarhus University student CubeSat Delphini-1 finally decayed into the deeper atmosphere and met it's honourable fiery end.
The Danish Students CubeSat Program DISCO will, in collaboration with the Danish company Space Inventor, launch its first satellite on a Falcon-9…
A Novo Nordisk project grant of 2 939 940 DKK has been granted Steen Brøndsted in connection to his work at IFA on fluorescent molecules
A Novo Nordisk project grant of 2 710 011 DKK goes to Brian Julsgaard to further the work at IFA of Understanding Semiconductors for Mid-IR Light…
New paper in Nature Physics: A collaboration in the “Center for Complex Quantum Systems” at Aarhus University has successfully observed the formation…
We welcome Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui who will join the Simon Wall group working on ultrafast dynamics of quantum materials.
Thomas starts as associate professor in Theoretical Cosmology on March 1st 2021
Welcome to Blazej Jaworowski who will start in Anne E. B. Nielsen´s group “Quantum many-body systems”.
A recent paper in Nano Letters describes a collaboration between researchers in South Korea, Scotland and the Aarhus-group led by Søren Ulstrup.
A new project is using machine learning in an attempt to find materials that can convert CO2 into methanol, and thereby help tackle climate…
Are you ready to apply now? Next opportunity will be in 2027.
A special exoplanetary system has been described in the latest copy of PNAS, with participation from SAC researchers.
CCQ welcomes Shanshan Ding as a postdoc in Professor Georg Bruun’s group.
Philip Hofman recycles a well known principle in recent paper in Physical Review
Welcome to Yixiao Zhou, who as at 1 February started in a 3-year postdoc position in the iSimba group under Victor Aguirre Børsen-Koch.
Francesco Cappelluti is our new postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Bjørk Hammer
In January 2021, Juan Sánchez-Baena joined the research group of Professor Thomas Pohl as postdoc at the Center for Complex Quantum Systems.
In January 2021, Ragheed Alhyder joined the Center for Complex Quantum Systems where he will be conducting theoretical research in professor Georg…
Daring maneuvre for a possible picture of Denmark from Space
Nanoscientist Mie Andersen has been awarded a Villum Young Investigator grant of DKK 8 mill to study design principles for materials that can convert…
Guess the Delphini-1 decay date and win a LEGO model
Associate Professor and Emeritus Erik Lægsgaard died on Saturday 16/1/21 at the age of 79.
If you haven’t already noticed, IFA is on Instagram.
The Grendel-Supercomputer operated by CSCAA has been expanded with 96 new computers (nodes).
Our new versatile telescope NOT was looking when the giant planets met.
Fan Yang started as postdoc in December 2020 in Klaus Mølmers group. He will join the Center for Complex Quantum Systems (CCQ), headed by Professor…
New instructive animation showing the synchrotron radiation facility of the Department has now been published.
The Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma plays a major role in research by Nordic astronomers, and in the education of new astronomers. It has been…
The IFA Mars Group participates in a new research project on mars dust.
ROADMAP (ROle and impAct of Dust and clouds in the Martian AtmosPhere) - a…
During a routine pass over our SONG observatory in Australia our student satellite reveals a surprise.
As of 1 December 2020 Aarhus University has acquired another astronomical telescope in our "machine park". This time it is an elderly but large…
In a new paper in Nature, Georg M. Bruun and collaborators from the universities of Heidelberg and Lund has used quantum simulation with cold atoms to…
The new Danish student satellite program has just been announced.
Experiments by Professor Yanhong Xiao and her research team at Fudan University in Shanghai show position and momentum measurement outcomes with a…
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