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Title: Ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH) as a potentially significant sulfur sink in interstellar ices
Title: Inverse catalysts: tuning the composition and structure of oxide clusters through the metal support
Hunting the origin of life in the universe - and other life forms
Laboratory for Astrophysics move to the new Gorlaeus Building
Liv Hornekær, Alec Wodtke and Peter Saalfrank have been awarded a 12 million EURO European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grant for the joint six-year…
Title: JOYS+: The link between the ice and gas of complex organic molecules
On 25th October Nikolaj Rønne defended his PhD thesis
On 24th October Signe Kyrkjebø defended her PhD thesis
On 8th October Andreas successfully defended his PhD thesis
Andrew Cassidy has been awarded a Villum Experiment Grant by the Villum Foundation.
Side 1 af 10
Speaker: Gabi Wenzel
Title: TBA
Speaker: Julia Santos, UL
Title: H2S ice sublimation dynamics: experimentally constrained binding energies, entrapment efficiencies, and snowlines
Speaker: Niels Munch Mikkelsen