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Institut for Fysik og Astronomi
Center for Interstellar Catalysis
Research activities
InterCat Seminars
Theme 1: Synthesis
Theme 2: Catalysis
Theme 3: Ice growth
Theme 4: Photo-processing
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Om InterCat (dansk)
People at InterCat
Franciele Kruczkiewicz
Niels Munch Mikkelsen
Sergio Ioppolo
Luuk Kempen
Thanja Lamberts
Raffaele Cheula
Yuan Chen
Joe Pitfield
Melissa McClure
Pranjal Samarth
Julia de Carvalho Santos
Ko-Ju Chuang
Mie Andersen
Steffen Holleufer
Alfred Hopkinson
Katie Slavicinska
Lars Borchert
Maria Prochal
Laura Slumstrup
Signe Kyrkjebø
Marius Juul Nielsen
Liv Hornekær
Anant Vaishnav
Bjørk Hammer
Ewine van Dishoeck
Andrew Cassidy
Richard Balog
John Thrower
Frederik Doktor Simonsen
Ann Mary Wilson
Søren Vrønning Hoffmann
Karin Vittrup
Explore InterCat
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Pathway to a PhD
Internal pages
News and events
Workshop on Interstellar Catalysis
Du er her:
People at InterCat
Katie Slavicinska
People at InterCat
Franciele Kruczkiewicz
Niels Munch Mikkelsen
Sergio Ioppolo
Luuk Kempen
Thanja Lamberts
Raffaele Cheula
Yuan Chen
Joe Pitfield
Melissa McClure
Pranjal Samarth
Julia de Carvalho Santos
Ko-Ju Chuang
Mie Andersen
Steffen Holleufer
Alfred Hopkinson
Katie Slavicinska
Lars Borchert
Maria Prochal
Laura Slumstrup
Signe Kyrkjebø
Marius Juul Nielsen
Liv Hornekær
Anant Vaishnav
Bjørk Hammer
Ewine van Dishoeck
Andrew Cassidy
Richard Balog
John Thrower
Frederik Doktor Simonsen
Ann Mary Wilson
Søren Vrønning Hoffmann
Karin Vittrup
Katie Slavicinska
I am a PhD candidate and researcher in astrochemistry working at Leiden Observatory
BS in Chemistry (ACS certified track, minor in Physics) and a MS in Physics (Planetary Science track).
I have experience in designing and operating ultrahigh vacuum systems, IR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry.
PhD student
Leiden University
The Netherlands
Revideret 31.01.2025
Andrew Cassidy