Aarhus Universitets segl

Naturvidenskabsfestival - Natural Science Festival

Mie andersen and Niels Mikkelsen share their science at local schools

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mandag 25. september 2023, kl. 09:00 - fredag 29. september 2023, kl. 14:00

As a part of the nation-wide Naturvidenskabsfestival (Natural Science Festival) Mie Andersen and Niels Mikkelsen convey their scientific passions to Danish institutions full of curious students.

The Naturvidenskabsfestival is a part of the efforts of ASTRA (national natural science center) to strengthen the natural science classes for the benefit of the whole society.

The aim of the festival is that all children and youths in Denmark at least once a year will be motivated to explore, understand and change the world with science. Everyone happy to follow this vision can join.

Mie Andersen title: "Effective transformation of CO2 by using artificial intelligence"

Niels Mikkelsen title: Astrochemistry – "From the computer to outer space"