RBE values for various high LET radiation types have been determined for many different biological systems, both in vitro and in vivo. It has been shown apparent in vitro that RBE is highly dependent on both cell type and the studied endpoint [1], but also on particle species, due to the different dose deposition profiles on microscopic scale [2, 3]. When comparing a large range of already published RBE-LET data from the same cell line, with the aim of comparing the RBE-LET relationship from different particle types, it becomes quite obvious that the impact of the different particle species is minimal, compared to the general experimental noise [4].
RBE-LET plot for V79 cells of RBE values from 19 publications [cf. [4] for references] A) For carbon ions. B) For additional particle types.
[1] Weyrather WK, Ritter S, Scholz M, Kraft G. RBE for carbon track-segment irradiation in cell lines of differing repair capacity. Int J Radiat Biol 1999;75(11):1357-64.
[2] Weyrather WK, Kraft G. RBE of carbon ions: experimental data and the strategy of RBE calculation for treatment planning. Radiother Oncol 2004;73 Suppl 2:S161-9.:S161-S169.
[3] Furusawa Y, Fukutsu K, Aoki M, Itsukaichi H, Eguchi-Kasai K, Ohara H, et al. Inactivation of aerobic and hypoxic cells from three different cell lines by accelerated (3)He-, (12)C- and (20)Ne-ion beams. Radiat Res 2000;154(5):485-96.
[4] Sørensen BS, Overgaard J, Bassler N. A Review of the RBE-LET Dependence for Inactivation of V79, CHO and T1 Cells. Acta Oncol (In press) 2011.
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