Ny postdoc - Gargee Bhattacharyya
Gargee Gargee Bhattacharyya starter d. 11.september en 1-årig ansættelse i Nicola Lanata's gruppe.

Gargee Bhattacharyya fuldførte sin B.Tech i Electronics & Communication Engineering fra West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India. Hun fik sin master (M.Tech) i VLSI Design & Microelectronics Technology fra Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, India. Hendes ph.d. er fra Indian Institute of Technology, Indore, India.
Gargee tells:
"My research work has mostly dealt with computational designing of ferromagnetic half-metallic low dimensional materials for spintronics applications through Density Functional Theory using Vienna ab-initio simulation Package (VASP). I come to Aarhus University to join Dr. Nicola Lanata's group to learn and work on the theoretical development of new methodologies for simulating strongly-correlated matter with many-body theoretical framework and machine learning."