Talk - Doerte Blume: 'Small two-component Fermi gases at zero and finite temperature' and Alejandro Kievsky: 'Exploring the N-body sector of Efimov physics'
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Aud. D4, Math Department
First speaker: Doerte Blume, Washington State University
'Small two-component Fermi gases at zero and finite temperature'
The properties of two-component Fermi gases become universal if the interspecies s-wave scattering length and the average interparticle spacing are much larger than the range of the underlying two-body potential. This talk summarizes some of our recent zero- and finite-temperature calculations of small two-component Fermi gases under external harmonic confinement.
Using the path integral Monte Carlo approach, we determine the Tan contact for infinitely large s-wave scattering length, i.e., at unitarity. We find that the path integral Monte Carlo approach yields reliable results down to below the "Fermi temperature"; at very low temperature, however, the Fermi sign problem renders the simulations impossible. The path integral Monte Carlo results compare favorably with results obtained by performing the thermal average explicitly. We also determine the superfluid fraction and local superfluid density, which are defined in terms of the moment of inertia, of small two-component Fermi gases as functions of the temperature and the s-wave scattering length. For spin-imbalanced systems, the superfluid fraction at low temperature exhibits an intriguing dependence on the s-wave scattering length.
Second speaker: Alejandro Kievsky, INFN, Pisa
'Exploring the N-body sector of Efimov physics'
The Efimov effect is a manifestation of a discrete scale invariance appearing in the spectrum of three identical bosons interaction with a short range interaction and having a large two-body scattering length. In the talk I will discuss the extension of this concept to larger systems showing that the same universal function governs the dynamic of such systems.