Artikel i Nature Physics: Philip Hofmann

Lektor Philip Hofmann, Institut for Lagerringsfaciliteter (ISA) og Interdisciplinært Nanoscience Center (iNANO), har i samarbejde med forskere fra Italien og Argentina den 14. marts 2010 publiceret en artikel i Nature Physics (forsiden), der viser at selv de stærkest bundne elektroner i graphen kan hoppe fra et atom til et andet - en effekt som aldrig før er observeret i et faststof.
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Vedrørende Nature Physics forsiden: "The valence and conduction electrons of perfect crystals usually exist in continuous bands of states that extend throughout a crystal’s bulk, whereas those in the innermost shells of its constituent atoms are usually tightly confined to the orbitals of individual atoms. However, angular variations in the photoemission spectra of graphene suggest that its carbon 1s states have an extended band-like character." Cover design by David Shan.