AMO Seminar - Alex Retzker: Combining continuous dynamical decoupling with gate operations
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Fys. Aud.
Title: Combining continuous dynamical decoupling with gate operations
Speaker: Alex Retzker, The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Israel
Time and place: Thursday 16/5, 15:15, Phys. Aud.
Abstract: In this talk I will describe a few schemes in which dynamical decoupling could be combined with gate operations in a simple way while maintaining a time independent description. I will describe two types of gates, one which combines magnetic gradients with microwave manipulation and the second which combines microwave control with lasers to create robust quantum gates.
Coffee, tea and cake will be served at 15:05.
Annette Svendsen, Jacob Sherson, Aurelien Dantan