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Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Autumn 2016.
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NB (inverse chronological order):
Weekly notes:
  1. Introduction.
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    The subject of quantum field theory. Principle of Relativity. Principle of covariance. Special theory of relativity. Four-vectors.
  2. Classical Lagrangian field theory.
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    Principle of least action. Euler-Lagrange equation of motion. Translation invariance and energy-momentum tensor. Energy and momentum conservation. Global gauge invariance and conserved current. Charge conservation. Noether's theorem.
  3. Canonical quantization of a free complex scalar field.
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    Klein-Gordon equation. Normal modes (egensvingninger). Energy and charge in normal mode representation Number-of-particles operators. Generation/annihilation operators. Statistics.
  4. Transformational properties of fields.
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    The group of coordinate transformations. Group representations. Lie groups and Lie algebras. Lie algebras of the rotation group and the Lorentz group. Irreducible representations of the rotation group.
  5. Irreducible representations of the Lorentz group.
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    Direct product of two representations of a group. Reduction of a direct product of two representations of the rotation group and the Lorentz group. Parity transformation. Finite rotation matrix.
  6. Spin-1/2 field.
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    Bispinors. Bilinear forms of bispinors. Gamma-matrices. Lagrangian. Dirac equation.
  7. Canonical quantization of spin-1/2 field.
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    Normal modes (plane-waves). Charge and energy in normal mode representation. Generation-annihilation operators: anti-commutation relation.
  8. Spin-1 fields.
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    Massive spin-1 field, Lorenz condition; Electromagnetic field, gauge invariance, quantization in radiation gauge; Spin-statistics theorem.
  9. Interacting quantum fields.
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    Interaction Lagrangian; Time development in quantum mechanics: Heisenberg, Schrödinger, and interaction picture; S-matrix; Time-ordered product of operators.
  10. Feynman diagrams.
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    Calculation of the S-matrix elements: time- and normal-products of field operators; propagators; Wick's theorem; Feynman diagrams in coordinate space.
  11. CPT theorem. Gauge theories.
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    CPT symmetry. Gauge theories: QED; Yang-Mills (non-abelian) theories.
  12. Higgs mechanism.
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    Spontaneous symmetry breaking; The Higgs mechanism; The Standard Model.
  13. Non-relativistic limit of QFT.
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    Lippmann-Schwinger equation; One boson exchange potential.
  14. [Exercises: pdf | page-1.png]
P.J. Mulders, Quantum Field Theory, lecture notes.
A free textbook on field theory by Warren Siegel

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