Aarhus Universitets segl

Women in Physics - Annual meeting 2015

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Fredag 13. november 2015,  kl. 10:30 - 19:00



This year the Women in Physics annual meeting is hosted by the Stellar Astrophysics Centre, the 13th of November. The role of Kvinder i Fysik is to raise awareness, provide mentorship to the young generation, and weigh on political decisions. In that spirit, we invited key actors of the national academic stage, as well as the keynote speaker Meg Urry, professor at Yale University, and president of the American Astronomical Society.

The KIF annual meeting provides a great opportunity for female physicists to network with their peers. There will be contributed talks by researchers in physics, as well as talks and discussions concerning gender related issues relevant to KIF. There is ample time for participants to talk with each other, and the meeting will close with a meal for all participants.

For more information see here:


Here you can also sign up for the event.

Male physicists and other interested parties are welcome to attend the meeting.