Ultracold atoms talk - Elmer Doggen: Quench-induced delocalization
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Ultracold atoms talk
Speaker: Elmer Doggen, Aalto University, Finland
Title: Quench-induced delocalization
We consider the evolution of an initially localized wave packet after a sudden change in the Hamiltonian, i.e. a quench. When both bound and scattering eigenstates exist in the post-quench Hamiltonian, one might expect partial delocalization of the wave packet to ensue. If the quench consists of a sudden switching-off of short-range inter-particle interactions, then Tan's universal relations guarantee delocalization through the high-momentum tail of the momentum distribution. We illustrate our results using numerical simulations of externally trapped particles in 1D. If the external potential is both disordered and correlated, then the interaction quench leads to transport via delocalized states, showing that localization in disordered systems is sensitive to non-adiabatic changes in the interactions between particles.
New J. Phys. 16, 113051 (2014)