Studenterkollokvium, Jacob bay Thomsen: Finding Habitable Exoplanets

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Fys. Aud.
Supervisor: Hans Kjeldsen
One of the most exciting parts of studying exoplanets is the possibility of discovering life outside the solar system. Finding habitable exoplanets is however no easy task, and so far, none have been identified. The first step in any search for habitable exoplanets is to gather a large sample of exoplanets that can then be further analysed. The next step is to identify which of the exoplanets in question are rocky. This is not easy, but it can be done for some. The final question to answer is if the exoplanet can have liquid water on its surface. Here the two most important factors are if the planet is in its star’s habitable zone and the composition of its atmosphere. The atmosphere’s composition is by far the hardest part, and so far, only JWST have been able to do identify more than single elements for larger gas giants. So, while we are not ready right now to clearly identify habitable exoplanets the field is still moving forward and hopefully, we will soon be able to do so.