Aarhus Universitets segl

Philip Hofmann modtager VILLUM bevilling

VILLUM Synergy grant of DKK 2.999.609,00, has been given to Panagiotis Karras, Davide Mottin and Philip Hofmann.

Professor Philip Hofmann. Foto: AU.
Professor Philip Hofmann. Foto: AU.

VILLUM Synergy grant given to Panagiotis Karras, Davide Mottin and Philip Hofmann.

Congratulations to associate professor Panagiotis Karras who has received a VILLUM Synergy grant of DKK 2.999.609,00 for the project “On-the-fly Data Exploration for Condensed Matter Physics”. The project is a collaboration with assistant professor Davide Mottin and professor Philip Hofmann from the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Scientific experiments collect data at an ever-increasing rate, far outpacing human capacity to make sense of it. Currently, it is impossible to sufficiently understand the generated data to re-adjust experimental parameters during an ongoing experiment. Thus, the scientist might miss the most interesting parts of parameter space, foreclosing new discoveries.

In this project, Karras, Hofmann, and Mottin will implement on-the-fly data exploration methods that actively adjust and explore the experimental parameter space during data collection, integrating data generation and exploration. This new way of doing data-intensive experimental science will be validated on a physics experiment studying the ultrafast evolution of an excited electron system using a free electron laser.


For yderligere information, kontakt

Professor Philip Hofmann
Institut for Fysik og Astronomi
Aarhus Universitet, Danmark