Ole Rømer Colloquium - Thomas Janka: Theory of Core-collapse Supernovae in the Era of 3D Modeling and Multi-messenger Astronomy
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Prof. Dr. Thomas Janka, Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching, Germany
Thomas Tauris
Theory of Core-collapse Supernovae in the Era of 3D Modeling and Multi-messenger Astronomy
The talk will review our present understanding of the physical processes that determine the mechanism how massive stars explode.
Neutrinos play a crucial role by providing the explosion energy of the far majority of these stars, and by setting the conditions for the production of heavy chemical elements including radioactive species during the explosion. Both the neutrinos and such nuclei, besides gravitational waves radiated from the generically aspherical, violent origin of the blast wave, can serve as observational probes of the electromagnetically obscured centers of dying stars. A future Galactic supernova is therefore the long-desired target of a growing diversity of detection facilities.
Coffee/tea and cake from 15:00