Ny postdoc - Rosana Martinez Turtos
Rosana Martinez Turtos has joined the Semiconductor team in the group of Peter Balling from September 2019.

Rosana Martinez Turtos has joined the Semiconductor team in the group of Peter Balling from September 2019.
She is working in the frame of a new collaborative project between researchers at IFA and Aarhus University Hospital, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The project aims to find novel methods for the experimental verification of 3D distributions of medical radiation doses, in relation to the recently commissioned Danish Center for Particle Therapy.
Rosana got her PhD in Physics and Astronomy at Milano-Bicocca University in 2017 in the frame of the Marie Curie-ITN project Picosec. After this, she has been working to achieve real-time molecular imaging for cancer diagnosis as a Research Fellow in the R&D Crystal Clear group at CERN. Her work contributed to the development of ultrafast scintillator detectors to be used in the next generation of Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography scanners.