Aarhus Universitets segl

Ny postdoc hos lektor Søren Ulstrup: Chakradhar Sahoo, ansat i perioden 1.8.22-31.7.24

Den 1. august 2022 startede Chakradhar Sahoo som ny postdoc (Marie Sklodowska-Curie) hos Søren Ulstrup.


I am Chakradhar Sahoo and my research interests focuses on “Designing many-particle wavefunctions in mesoscopic quantum devices”, which includes preparation of quantum devices out of 2D hetero-bilayers and measurement of many particles like excitons distribution and their interactions in such systems capturing time-energy and momentum resolved electronic structures. I obtained my master and PhD degree of Physics from University of Hyderabad (India) and then I was a postdoc in OIST (Japan) and then in TIFR, Hyderabad. Since August 2022, I am starting as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoc in Prof. Søren Ulstrup’s lab at Aarhus University to continue my postdoctoral research. I am always curious to chat with people and share ideas, which provides opportunities to learn various things from different people.