Ny postdoc - Gabi Wenzel
Gabi Wenzel er ny postdoc i Center for Interstellar Catalysis (InterCat) under Prof. Liv Hornekær

Gabi Wenzel is our new postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Interstellar Catalysis (InterCat) headed by Prof. Liv Hornekær.
At InterCat, Gabi will work on a specific family of astrophysically relevant carbonaceous molecules, the so-called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In particular, her main focus will be on catalytic reactions of PAHs on surfaces.
Prior to joining Aarhus University, Gabi obtained a Bachelor (BSc, 2014) and Master (MSc, 2017) degree in Physics from the University of Münster, Germany, and completed her PhD at the University of Toulouse, France, in July 2020. While she focused on solid state physics and surface science during her Bachelor and Master degrees, her PhD work in laboratory astrophysics concentrated on the relaxation processes of energized PAHs in interstellar gas-phase conditions.