Ny postdoc - Diptaranjan Das
Ny postdoc, Diptaranjan Das, starter 1. September i : Quantum Measurement and Manipulation Group, som ledes af professor MSO, Jacob Sherson.

Ny postdoc, Diptaranjan Das, starter 1. September i : Quantum Measurement and Manipulation Group, som ledes af professor MSO, Jacob Sherson.
Diptaranjan Das tog sin ph.d. på University of Wisconsin, Madison, hvor han arbejdede i en "experimental atomic physics group headed by Prof. Deniz Yavuz. Here I studied the physics of interaction of cold atoms with coherent radiation. Before moving to Madison for my PhD I spent two years doing my Masters at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Kolkata, India, following my undergraduate studies at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur."