Fredagsforedrag - Martin O.W. Greiner: Large-scale renewable energy networks — challenges for system engineering, applied mathematics and physics of complex networks
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G1 (bygning 1532)
Taler: Martin O.W. Greiner, Professor, System Engineering, Aarhus University, Department of Engineering
Titel: Large-scale renewable energy networks — challenges for system engineering, applied mathematics and physics of complex networks
Renewable power generation, mainly from weather-driven wind and solar resources, are anticipated to dominate the future energy system. Based on high-resolution meteorological and electrical load data, data-driven spatio-temporal modeling, and the physics of complex networks, fundamental properties of a simplified European electricity system with a high share of renewables are determined. Amongst such characteristics are the optimal mix of wind and solar power generation, the optimal combination of balancing and transmission, as well as the cost-optimal spatial allocation of generation and backup capacities. These results indicate that the pathways into future energy systems will be driven by an optimal systemic combination of technologies, and that economy and markets have to be carefully designed to follow the system-technological optimum. First steps towards such a market design will also be sketched.
Kaffe/te og kage fra kl. 15.05.