Aarhus Universitets segl

Innovation hackathon – physicists wanted

CLEAN WATER: Attack a real-world challenge with your scientific knowledge.

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Tirsdag 23. maj 2023,  kl. 08:30 - 20:00


The Kitchen


On 23 May 2023, The Kitchen will host a Hackathon event for MSc/PhD students and postdocs. Here you can spend an intense day putting your skills to work in cooperation with other researchers and students from the Natural and Technical Sciences at Aarhus University.

Together with the other participants, you will work with ideas and solutions for ensuring availability of clean water for everybody.

This year’s theme is CLEAN WATER, as the demand for clean water is quickly rising and requires immediate attention and action.

At the Hackathon, you will use your competencies to discover and develop ideas and solutions, which may help ensure a sustainable distribution of clean water all over the world.

See more in the attached flyer. Sign up at https://events.au.dk/cleanwater23

PS: Did you know that many physicists end up working at one of the water-tech companies, e.g. Grundfos, who supports this event?