CSS colloquium: Josette Jacobs, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Philosophy of Science for non-philosophers
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Aud. D1 (1531-113)
In this talk I explore the question: ‘For what reason should a course Philosophy of Science (PoS) be part of the curriculum of non-philosophers-students? First, I set out the background and the starting points of the course: f.e. the course needs to have a flipped classroom approach; the course should be about both (non) propositional knowledge; the course is an example of Modular Skills Training; Wageningen University as an a-typical university. Having set out the constitutive dimensions I then examine what kind of skills the students should learn. There are (1) students understand if an academic text complies with the (minimum) requirements of science. Is there any good scientific practice were they can refer to? (2) The students are capable to realize what the elements of good scientific research are and how they refer to PoS. (3) students learn to interpret: ‘to learn to do the wright interpretation’. I conclude by pointing to examples of innovation in a course PoS, f.e. learning by doing: ‘how to learn to interpret by experiencing an Artwork in a Museum of Modern Art’.