Aarhus Universitets segl

Abstracts & talk submissions

Abstracts for the Conference Book

All participants - and those in the Danish astrophysics community who are not coming to the meeting - are encouraged to submit a one-page abstract.  The abstracts will be printed as a Conference Book, a Who's Who in Danish astronomy as of this point in time, spring 2014.

The abstract should be one page, include your photo and contact information, one figure and a short description of your work/interests.  Please use this template (download) or send the abstract as a Pdf file.

Abstracts should be submitted to ida@phys.au.dk, by 1 June at the latest.


Submitted Talks

20-minute talks will be chosen by the SOC.  The emphasis in talks should be results.  Students and post docs are in particular encouraged to submit a talk.

Note that all participants are encouraged to bring a poster to the meeting and all will be given the opportunity to give a 2-minute shot-gun talk.  Ample time will be given for networking and looking at posters, so that interested parties can meet.

***The deadline for talk submissions has passed***


Poster Session

All participants are encouraged to bring a poster - Size A0 - 120x85.

Information about you bringing a poster should be submitted to ida@phys.au.dk by 1 June