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Speaker: Amaury Triaud, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Birmingham
Title: The Plurality of Worlds
Abstract: Many physical processes…
Abstract: The element Fluorine has several proposed sites of nucleosynthesis, and the major contributors are supposed to be: (1) stars of the…
Breaking the barriers to ultrafast laser 3D structuring deep inside silicon
David Grojo LP3-Lasers, Plamas et Procédés Photoniques CNRS /…
Speaker: John J. Zanazzi, University of Toronto, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
Title: Orbital Circularization of Binaries with…
Supervisor: Henrik Stapelfeldt
Diffraction of light is a useful tool for determining the structure of small objects and material. For many years…
Mercury will pass in front of the Sun.
Time is 11 November from 13:35.
Place is on the roof of Moesgaard Museum.
Supervisor: Klaus Mølmer
For at bygge en kvantecomputer er man nødt til at have et system som kan repræsentere kvantebits (kvantesystemer, som kan…
Supervisor: Lars Bojer Madsen
Symmetries, also known as a physicist’s best friend, is a useful property in the description of many physical systems,…
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Research Scientist James Kirkpatrick, Google Deepmind, London UK
Luca Ghiringhelli
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Artificial Intelligence for data-driven materials…
Supervisor: Liv Hornekær
Glimmer spreder sig overalt. Det kan komme ind i alle sprækker og revner og sidder fast på alt og alle det kommer i nærheden…
Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Teorien om at bier har evnen til at mærke det elektriske felt omkring dem har længe været en hypotese hos…
ST equality and diversity task group hereby invites to an inspiring afternoon.
Title: Superposition of light and matter in a 2D semiconductor. Supervisor: Georg Bruun. External examiner: Brian Møller Andersen
Title: Analysis of premature mortality by particulate air pollution over Europe based on multi-model ensemble of Earth System Models. Supervisor:…
In quantum optical systems the coupling between a single dipole and a single cavity mode is always much smaller than the absolute energy scales…
Speaker: Dr. Ragesh Kumar T. P., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Title: Low energy electron induced reaction of…
Supervisor: Steen Hannestad
I 2011 blev Nobelprisen i Fysik givet for opdagelsen af Universets accelererende udvidelse vha. supernovaeksplosioner.
Workshop training and technical drawing course is planned for week 3 and 4, 2020. The individual course run for 1 week, in total 37 hours. There will…
Små ændringer på de parametre, som beskriver vores univers, kan være katastrofale for udviklingen af intelligent liv.…
Dmitry S. Novikov, New York University School of Medicine
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
The condensed matter physics of MRI
Speaker: Alexander N. Poddubny, Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Title: Scattering and Localization of Photon Pairs Interacting with Qubits…