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The Case of the Higgs Boson
Christina Vang
Vejleder: Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard
Mandag den 3. november kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium…
General Physics Colloquium - please note the different week day
'Quantum electrodynamical effects at critical background electromagnetic fields' …
The number of participants is limited so please sign up
Title: Cooperative Cargo Transport by several Molecular Motors: Dynamics and Thermodynamics. Supervisor: Alberto Imparato. External examinator:…
Speaker: Prof. Carlos Mejia-Monasterio
Title: Stochastic search strategies in confined geometries
Search processes are ubiquitous in…
Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen
Mandag den 10. november kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
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AMO Seminar
Title: Ionization of He by an Intense, Few-cycle Attosecond XUV Pulse
Speaker:J. M. Ngoko Djiokap, Department of Physics and Astronomy,…
Vejleder: Martin Greiner
Torsdag d. 27 november kl. 14:15 i Fysisk Auditorium
Title: How tree rings provide a deeper insight into past climate variability – examples from Fennoscandia and Asia
Sted: Aud D2 (1531-119) Tid: Fredag d. 21. november 15.15-16.00 (kaffe, te og kage fra…
Title: Characterizing Biomarkers of Neuropathology by Diffusion MRI. Supervisor: Sune Nørhøj Jespersen. External examinator: Henrik Lundell
'Fractional quantum Hall physics and topology in lattice systems'
Anne E. Nielsen
MPI-Quantenoptik, Garching,…
Speaker: Daniel Reich, University of Kassel
Title: Efficient Characterization and Optimal Control of Open Quantum Systems
Since no system…
Vejleder: Klaus Mølmer
Mandag den 10. marts kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Det, at udnytte aspekter ved…
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Title: Investigation of the Antiproton Depth Dose Curve in Water with the Monte Carlo Simulation Code SHIELD-HIT12A. Supervisor: Niels Bassler.…